Understanding the different product descriptions from the hemp plant is pertinent before purchasing CBD products to ensure the best potential medical effect
Describing cannabidiol (CBD) can be very confusing. There are three ways that products from the hemp plant can be described. It is either hemp seed oil, hemp oil extract, and CBD oil. All these products are made from the hemp plant; however, they all mean different things. For instance, hemp seed oil sounds like CBD but it is really the product of the pressed hemp seed. Hemp seed oil is produced like olive oil. CBD does not come from the hemp seeds; it comes from the plant resin and the plant itself. Hemp seed oil is a good product for skin products, and it is perfect for cooking. It contains rich omega fats and has vitamin E nutrients. However, if you buy a product with hemp seed oil, there is minimal to no CBD quantities. In contrast to hemp seed oil, hemp oil extract and CBD oil are rich in CBD. Your medicinal effect is the interaction of CBD with the Endocannabinoid System receptors. CBD improves the function at the CB1 and CB2 Endocannabinoid neural receptors by boosting the immune system and decreasing neural inflammation. These are the simple explanations of the CBD mechanism to improve pain, sleep, anxiety and general wellness.
Hemp seed oil has little to no CBD; but hemp oil extract and CBD oil are rich in CBD but differ in mg quantities which causes confusion and improper CBD dosing. Hemp oil extract milligrams are the amount of plant utilized to make that CBD oil product. CBD oil milligrams are the end product of the hemp oil extract contained in that CBD product. For less consumer confusion, CBD product information should be CBD oil milligrams by all CBD companies since CBD oil milligrams is the end product. Since the hemp oil extract is always more than the CBD oil quantity in each CBD product, some companies describe the product with hemp oil extract since it seems like more CBD is placed in that particular product.
Let us illustrate this misinterpretation of CBD description with a trusted CBD company that BAK 2 Basics CBD Medical Consultants offers as one of their quality CBD products. Rix Mix oil and EcoDrops Relief oil are both CBD products that have shown patient improvement with their symptoms and have the same quantity/concentration of CBD oil. However, in describing their content, it is misleading. Rix Mix description documents CBD properly with 500mg or 1500mg of CBD oil on its two different bottle sizes. For the same bottle sizes and CBD content as Rix Mix, Ecodrops Relief is described as 3100 or 9300 respectively as hemp oil extract rather than the end product of CBD oil milligram noted in Rix Mix. To summarize, both products have the same concentration and amount of CBD, but one is described as CBD oil and the other as hemp oil extract. CBD product description is one of the most important points that patients need to be understood before obtaining CBD as a medical therapy. This information can mislead consumers to improper CBD dose which is pertinent to its best effect.
As important to know proper CBD product description, so is understanding dose concentration of CBD oil mg per drop. The two examples of CBD oil products that were previously discussed are similar in CBD concentration. Each oil drop is 2.5 CBD oil milligrams per drop. This allows ideal CBD oil dose understanding by patients to use it properly as a medical therapy to its best potential effect for different medical issues.
Various medical ailments have different initial CBD oil mg dose treatment. An adequate starting dose for anxiety problems is 15mg to 20mg CBD oil. For pain symptoms from inflammatory, neuropathic or cancer pain in an adult depends on severity of the symptoms and the weight of the patient. The starting dose is between 20mg to 40mg of CBD oil.

Sleep issues normally require a higher dose than anxiety or pain issues. Recommended starting dose for sleep is 50mg with possible potential to increase dose to 150 milligrams of CBD oil nightly.
It is important to know that these recommended medical doses for different medical ailments are described as CBD milligram oil and not described as hemp oil extract which is always a differing higher amount. Dosing and use instructions sheets also are included with all our medical CBD products as well as a dosing guide to help with safe and proper medical CBD therapy.
Another example of CBD products with misleading product descriptions that BAK 2 Basics CBD Medical Consultants offers are CBD capsule products. These capsules are quality tested CBD medications and have shown great effect on medical issues from our positive patient feedback for their medical ailments. These CBD capsules are produced from reputable CBD companies, but one company labels the CBD content as hemp oil extract and the other CBD company describes as CBD oil mg.
The Endoca CBD company capsules are labelled as 10 and 50 which are describing the proper CBD mg oil content of 10mg and 50mg, respectively. In contrast, the Ecoscience CBD company describes their ecocap capsule content as 170mg hemp oil extract per pill or 5100mg hemp oil extract per bottle. This 170mg hemp oil extract capsule is better described to patients and consumers as its CBD oil mg content which is 30mg.
Explaining the proper CBD mg oil content to patients and consumers of each capsule of the 10mg, 30mg and 50mg variety also allows ease in planning each individual patient treatment plan. The recommended doses are easier to convert for pain treatment, anxiety, sleep issues and general wellness when understanding the proper CBD oil mg dose of the CBD product.
Initial Recommended Dose for Different Medical Ailments
PAIN– require initial dose of 20-40mg CBD oil depending on severity of symptoms and weight of the patient.
ANXIETY– initial dose of 15-20mg CBD oil is recommended with repeat dose as needed for severity of symptoms.
SLEEP– start with 50mg CBD and may need to increase to 150mg CBD.
GENERAL WELLNESS as to maintain healthy state of health or lifestyle- start with 25-30mg CBD 1-2x/day
CBD treatment recommendations should start at the lowest dose with increasing as more symptom relief is needed. Commonly, the lowest initial starting dose works well for symptom control illustrating the importance of understanding the correct starting CBD dose. Start with lowest dose for each various medical issue and only increase gradually if necessary, for needed better effect.
Summary of the Important CBD Product Description Points
- Understanding the difference of CBD oil mg, hemp oil extract and hemp seed oil is necessary prior to purchasing CBD products to ensure the best potential medical effect.
- CBD mg oil is end point of all CBD products.
- Hemp seed oil has minimal to no CBD content.
- Hemp oil extract is the amount of hemp plant used in production of CBD products which is always a higher amount than CBD oil mg in a CBD product.
- CBD mg oil is the best description of CBD products as compared to hemp oil extract for better dose standardization and for allowing easier proper medical CBD dose understanding for patients and consumers since it is the end product of all CBD products.
- Understanding that proper CBD dosing for best potential effect is different for various medical issues of pain, anxiety, sleep, and general wellness.
Contact BAK 2 Basics CBD Medical Consultants for any medical CBD questions. The proper use of medical CBD therapy is based on our clinical experience, patient interactions and research studies. We focus on each patient’s individual needs as it relates to the indication, proper dosing, intake and interaction/side effects with pharmaceutical medications.
Proper Medical CBD Therapy Is Our Passion
Listen to more medical CBD education on “CBD Health Podcast- Medical CBD Talk with Dr Thomas Rocco”
Dr Thomas Rocco – Krystle MacDonald
BAK 2 Basics CBD Medical Consultants, 2845 Post Road #103, Warwick RI 02886, (401) 678-6420