BAK 2 Basics CBD 

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CBD is a natural component of the cannabis and hemp plants, including stem, stalk and flower. CBD stands for Cannabidiol – the non-psychoactive portion of the plant. It has significant medical benefits, but does not make people feel “high”.

NO. CBD products that contain .3% THC ( the federal legal limit) or less will not get you “high”.

NO. It is important to research each product as they are NOT all created equally. Many factors should be considered when choosing a CBD product. Here are some things to look for; How big is the package? How much CBD is offered within the entire package? (then do the math for the breakdown), Is it a full spectrum or Isolate product? Does the CBD originate from a licensed Agricultural Hemp Farm? All of these things truly matter and can make a big difference in weather it is a pure quality and legal product.

CBD is Federally legal, but each state has its individual laws. Therefore, not all 50 states are consistent with Federal Law. At last check, 48 states have some kind of legislation and laws pertaining to CBD and sales. Legal CBD originates from a licensed Agricultural Hemp Farm.

CBD comes from the stem, stalk and flower of the cannabis plant, often known as hemp. CBD is the second most abundant compound in hemp, typically representing up to 40% of its extracts.

CBD helps with chronic pain, seizures, migraines, inflammation, muscle spasms and anxiety. It is the leading ingredient in tinctures used for epilepsy.

This depends on how you consume the CBD. For instance, if you take it sublingually (under the tongue) in a tincture, the mucus membranes in the mouth can absorb the compounds. This allows the CBD to completely bypass the digestive system and liver metabolism, so the compounds can avoid being broken down by enzymes and reach the bloodstream more quickly.

If you take CBD in an edible form (cookie, chocolate, gummy, etc.), it is absorbed by the digestive system and the liver metabolizes the CBD molecules before passing on what remains to the bloodstream.

Another way is through inhalation. The compounds are absorbed through the lungs and quickly transfers into the bloodstream. When CBD is applied topically (on the skin), it is absorbed through the skin’s surface and doesn’t reach the bloodstream.

Full Spectrum CBD products extract all the Cannabinoids and Terpenes from the source material. This is often seen to produce more effective CBD products useful for a broad array of purposes. There is .3% or less of THC and it will not make you feel “high”, but it might show up in a drug test.

Isolate CBD products contain Cannabidiol only, meaning no or trace amounts of other Cannabinoids or Terpenes are present. CBD Isolate products with a purity rating of 99.9% or higher are recommended for those who may be subject to drug tests or those who have a sensitivity to THC.

Find more information on CBD Full Spectrum vs CBD Isolate in our article here:
Full Spectrum Versus Isolate CBD

YES. If enough full spectrum CBD product is consumed, you could potentially fail a drug test. Even though you do NOT experience any “high”, full spectrum products do include .3% THC and therefore it could register on a drug test. When the THC levels are tested, you would fall under the .3% federally legal threshold.

2018 Farm Bill:
On December 20, 2018, President Trump signed the Farm Bill into law. This separates Hemp and CBD from Marijuana (which is a controlled substance). Hemp will now be placed under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture and be an agricultural commodity. With the Farm Bill, hemp farmers are going to be able to participate in USDA programs for certifications such as “organic”. The DEA no longer have any claim to interfere with the interstate commerce of hemp products. It also defines hemp as all parts of the plant less than .3% THC including derivatives, extracts and cannabinoids.

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